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1.25.4 - Adaptive Scheduler

· One min read
Matt Franklin



Added the scheduler Control

Adds the DHX scheduler to Adaptive Designer. Currently this control is in preview mode and was built specifically around providing a booking system. There are more generic uses for this control and these will be more explicitly supported as time goes on.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the sharepoint permission call can fail in certain cases
  • Fixed an issue where a timeout occurs on save when all permissions are cleared from an item

UI/UX Fixes

  • Added the ability to set number of default sections in a repeating section
  • Added the ability to configure multilookup parent connections

1.25.2 - Workflow Get Items

· One min read
Matt Franklin



Added a get Items Service task to the workflow engine

A recurring theme in workflows had process writers going to an external source (like power automate) via a webhook in workflow which simply returns a list of items that can be used in the workflow. As this was such a common action it is now possible to directly configure a service task by setting its type to 'Get Items' This allows for filters, select statements and the option to only get items in a linked context.

UI/UX Fixes

  • Added the ability for subquery and computed fields to be set as titles on the board control

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where an item will get its permissions set to null if there are extra keys in the permissions object

1.25.0 - Hotfix 1

· One min read
Matt Franklin



1.25.0 caused a regression that resulted in a page crash when viewing or previewing a form that contained an email field within a repeating section

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a page crash when viewing a form containing an email field within a repeating section

1.25.0 - Form Service Fast Renderer

· One min read
Matt Franklin



Fast renderer in Form service

A different renderer is now used in the form service, notable speed improvements should be noted when using it, especially with longer forms. Virtualisation is added to repeating sections and views where only 5 instances/rows will be rendered at any given time.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed an erroneous multi page nav menu control
  • Fixed an issue where data can be lost when navigating multi pages
  • Fixed an issue where CSS classes were propagating to child elements
  • Fixed an issue where views were not being fetched when configuring a view connection
  • Fixed a page crash when configuring a condition configured to trigger on 'falsey'
  • Fixed the inability to set and view choices for choice fields in Designer
  • Fixed the inability to configure radio inputs

UI/UX Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where lookup config was not loading for connections in Designer
  • Fixed an issue where labels and descriptions sometimes propagated to child elements
  • Fixed an issue where data can bleed across input attributes in designer

1.24.8 - Form Service Fast Renderer

· One min read
Matt Franklin


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where email fields would set their default value to 'true' automatically
  • Fixed an issue where hidden fields are not being applied correctly in Designer and Preview
  • Fixed an issue where cancelling form details no longer clears the form in Designer
  • Fixed the inability to clone a previously cloned element in Designer
  • Fixed an issue where the first page of multi page is navigated to erroneously
  • Fixed an issue where views are not fetched when configuring a view in Designer

UI/UX Fixes

  • Fixed an issue of config attributes in designer bleeding across different fields
  • Fixed text fields rendering as not read only in Designer
  • Updated the component tree in Designer to be more usable
  • Fixed an issue where repeating sections failed to show one by default

1.24.7 - Hotfix 1

· One min read
Matt Franklin



1.24.7 caused a regression with bulk updates in gantt, boards and the bulk update action which caused only the first item to get updated

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with bulk updates not performing

1.24.7 - Adaptive Designer Performance Overhaul

· One min read
Matt Franklin



Sharepoint Permission Sync

When creating or editing an item with a drive and folder set, the same permissions applied to the item will be applied to that item's folder in sharepoint. This ensures that an item's permissions will be the same as the file permissions.

UI/UX Fixes

  • Added ability to disable create button for current list on data tables in Explorer
  • Fixed lookups in public forms displaying '0' when unset
  • Locale is now set correctly when exporting CSV from data table in Explorer


  • Overhaul of Adaptive Designer and the Adaptive Renderer which results in major performance benefits. Render and load times are dramatically decreased

1.24.6 - Public Form Submission

· One min read
Matt Franklin



  • Public forms with pre-fill data that are missing the __metadata tag will now try to insert them where possible

Bug Fixes

  • Enabled the following relational data cases to be submitted successfully
  • Single Item Create/Update
  • View Create/Update
  • View linked to Single item via Universal Link Create/Update
  • View linked to Single item via Lookup Create/Update

1.24.5 - Workflow Linking

· One min read
Matt Franklin


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed erroneous validation preventing creating a universal link between a task and a custom list that contains the word task in its name via Workflow