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1.31.1 - Rapid Platform

· 4 min read
Matt Franklin



You can now use template strings in the open Hyperlink menu action, just like input field hyperlinks. We have also added three new parameters for templates to be aware of which server you are on. 

envEither 'test' or 'prod'
tenantThe current tenant
siteThe current site

For example, you could create a link that goes to the correct tasks experience for the current site like so:

http://tasks.rapidplatform.<%= env!="prod" ?"com/_test" : "com/_prod"%>/<%=tenant%>/<%=site%>

HTML sanitize lodash function

When you have a textual input that contains HTML glyphs such as or you can now invoke a built in lodash function to strip out these glyphs. For example, to remove the glyphs from a User Task description field would be like so:


Default Embedded Files

Continuing our learnings from template files, you can now configure at the table level a default embedded file definition. These default definitions can either point at the current item (and generate a folder as required) or a statically defined target folder in SharePoint. You can find the configuration in the newly reorganized Options tab when configuring a table.

Trigger on Change

You can configure Webhooks and Workflow Signal Events to conditionally trigger when one or more columns are updated. the changed() function now returns true or false if the indicated column is different from before it was updated.

For example, you could configure a Signal Event to trigger when an Invoice is marked as Voided like so:

Changed condition in trigger event

Here the process will only trigger if both the status was changed, and if it was changed to 'VOIDED'.

The syntax for changed is:


Workflow Element Coalescing

For those of you working with multiple branching paths in Workflow that need to reference something that could have been created on one of them, you can now reference elements in lodash regardless if they have been executed.

This is best demonstrated with an example, consider this process:

Workflow collapsing to a single task

This process could optionally start from three difference causes; either manually with an input, or triggered via a create or update signal. The AllField data can now references whatever the starting item is and collapses the trigger item into a single place to easily reference throughout the document. The syntax to configure this can is;

<%= inputs?.all_field?.id ?? StartEvent_1?.properties?.id ?? StartEvent_0wzx24k?.properties?.id %>

Previously trying to reference StartEvent_1 or StartEvent_0wzx24k would throw an error as only one existed. This has been resolved.

Outside of starting situations, you can also collapse something created in a branching path for later referencing. Again a Data Can is used here but is not required. The Task can references the single letter task that was chosen (A, B or C) so that it can be reviewed in the Combine task. For completeness the syntax in the Task can is:

<%= inputs?.all_field?.id ?? StartEvent_1?.properties?.id ?? StartEvent_0wzx24k?.properties?.id %>

Bug Fixes

  • Prevented tab freeze when configuring pages in Designer under certain conditions
  • Stopped Table search being case sensitive
  • Disabled and removed public forms where the task has been completed in all cases
  • Fixed UI failing to react when clearing / updating template folder configuration
  • Enabled attachments to be added via drag-n-drop regardless of file type
  • Fixed daylight savings time being regarded for Public Form submission timeout
  • Prevented page crash when closing the 'Add to form' panel in Designer on a table with >30 columns


  • Upgraded styling on required fields in Explorer for readability
  • Improved Rich Text area styles when disabled to display as rich text instead of HTML
  • Added time to notes in the Activity feed
  • Added 401 page when navigating to experiences where the user is not allowed
  • Added collapse mode to workflow configuration panel (and stopped it popping out on click!)
  • Put back the Users' displayed email in User fields
  • Added Estimated time and On Hold status to Tasks, removed Failed status
  • Added support for principal unique ID in workflow user task configuration
  • Added default pages for Workflow Folders system list
  • Added feedback when uploading a process diagram using the new creation panel
  • Added Excel Date column when exporting data for better date consistency between locales
  • Added Multi-Lookup update/replacement support into Public Forms and API requests
  • Upgraded Tasks, Designer and the Login screens to match the new branding

1.31.0 - Rapid Platform

· 4 min read
Matt Franklin



UI Styling Upgrade

Rapid Platform System Upgrades

Following the Rapid Platform branding upgrade, Explorer, Designer and Workflow have gotten a facelift. This includes a change to routes for Designer and Workflow


Authorized Forms

It is now possible to configure an authenticated public form. Configuring a form to be authorized will require the user to put in a predetermined, generated password before proceeding to the form. It is possible to set auth from workflow and have a password be generated or manually. 2 new columns were added to the tasks table to allow for this.

Custom Users and Minimal Install

Principals can now be created manually.

In our continued quest to make Rapid as flexible as possible you can now install a limited version without requiring application consent. This change alters the install mechanism to not require SharePoint or Groups access. This will install a site with the creating user only. In order to enable inviting users you can now create principal records to manually create both users and groups.

When adding a new User the only required information is an email address. This will try to match the User on your active directory (if access is granted) and backfill details when available. Any user that can authenticate to your tenant that have a matching email address to a User in the site will now be able to login.

To help manage membership in cases when groups are not accessible, you can now manually add & remove principals to groups using the command bar. You can view the membership using the Principals tab on a group, with a plan to build a custom membership control at a later stage.

Sites created with no application permissions will have reduced functionality, notably around files and emails.

Added pipeline page control

It is now possible to add the pipeline control to a page layout in legacy designer, this will allow the connection to a choice field and will display that choice field in a tasteful way as a method of describing progress.

New fetching query parameters

With the development of Adaptive v3, additional query parameters have been added to fetch lists of items based around their link relationships. Check the API Concepts page for further details.

Bug Fixes

  • Prevented page crash when configuring a Trigger a Webhook service task
  • Fixed 'Failed to Load' race condition on Explorer components when refreshing a page
  • Squashed Resize Observer error in console
  • Prevented erroneous error being reported when timers return to a deleted process run or diagram
  • Fixed conditions failing to fire in Adaptive Designer when configuring connections
  • Stopped menu actions with a form from sending the request on blur or when cancelled
  • Fixed site repairs with more than 700 principals failing to complete
  • Fixed selected items in multi-lookup fields failing to display as ticked
  • Fixed quick search on data tables failing to react after opening an item on the list
  • Saving in the Tasks experience without document storage set up no longer fails
  • Prevented command bar action buttons from sending when pressing cancel


  • Ensured Preform Remote Action menu items always send
  • Made the group picker optional when installing a site
  • Removed extraneous padding on new lines in multi-line text fields
  • Added route to fetch Principals based on their membership
  • Wide sweeping CSS upgrades and library updates throughout UI-React
  • Ensured page creation state is not re-rendered until after an item is fully created
  • Improved table scoped command bar actions to respect all possible configurations
  • Added Choice pipeline component
  • Upgraded cascading lookup configuration in Designer to be able to regard full query logic
  • Added Pages page in Designer to manage the pages on the site
  • Added manual override control for Prefill data configuration in Workflow user tasks
  • Styled 404 and 403 pages

1.30.14 - Folder Templates

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



Folder Templates

Through Designer, it is possible to now configure a folder to use as a template for a particular list. If configured, when creating an item when the 'always create folder is enabled', the contents of the folder will be set on that item. For existing items, the folder will be cloned when creating a new folder for the item through the UI.

URL Parameter for universallyLinkedTo

Like the LinkedTo param, putting this in a get Items request from RAPID will return any items for the specified list that are universally link to the specified item, this will not return scoped universal links.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where lists cannot be deleted due to since deleted lookup fields
  • Prevented page crash on Workflow when viewing malformed sequence flows
  • Fixed files component in Public Forms failing to upload a file when within a child connection


  • Added a suite of Workflow Integration tests
  • Added the IN Odata query operator, using the following syntax IN(column name,value1,value2)
  • Added toggle on Perform Remote Action menu items to send a batch request instead of individuals
  • Added default filter to Adaptive Designer when selecting a document to not regard apps
  • Hide the execute diagram button if a non-executable diagram is opened
  • Improved UI for configuring cascading lookups
  • Cascading lookups now use OData filters

1.30.12 - Workflow Rollback

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



Breaking Change - API user webhook control

A new query parameter has been added to POST/PUT requests called webhooks. When true requests will trigger webhook events to fire, when false it will prevent them. This new parameter is assumed to be true for normal requests, but is assumed to be false for Application User requests.

All requests made by application users that require webhook events to fire will need to add webhooks=true


Rollback support in Workflow

While viewing a process run in Workflow you can now select a previously executed element and revert the run back in time to there. For example, selecting a User Task will roll back the process to just prior re-creating the task. Rolling back a process will abort existing tasks and timers to help clean up.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed resuming unconfigured data associations erroneously failing
  • Fixed page crash when configuring some condition cases in Adaptive Designer
  • Re-enabled success toast on items in Explorer
  • Enabled the disable deletion configuration to persist through refresh
  • Refreshed page set when navigating between different Tasks sites
  • Fixed attachment records failing to refresh when navigating between different tasks in the Tasks experience
  • Improved reactivity when uploading attachments in the Tasks experience


  • Ensured site details (environment, tenant, site) are on menu action requests
  • Added concurrency support for resumes in workflow
  • Added Embedded File column support in data tables for Explorer
  • Improved performance on lists that contain multi-lookup fields
  • Added error message reflection to UI when service tasks fail in Workflow
  • Enforced currency formatting in data tables to be 2 decimal places

1.30.11 - SendGrid support in User Tasks

· One min read
Matt Franklin



User Task Communication Support

You can now leverage the existing communication infrastructure in User Tasks when configuring your Workflows. This currently only supports SendGrid but will naturally extend to more communication channels as they become available.

Embedded File Control

Added the embedded file control to Adaptive. This allows custom pages to render an embedded file definition and allow file viewing and uploading.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Adaptive Designer overview page failing to populate on refresh
  • Added more robust error handling and reporting when Data Cans run into problems
  • Fixed Embedded Files configuration being destroyed by update item menu actions
  • Fixed dependant lookup construction failing when regarding filters on base tables for sub-types
  • Updated the Due Date for tasks generated in a loop to regard now, rather than the start of the loop


  • Added exit intent configuration on all Explorer menu buttons
  • Added Embedded Files control to Adaptive control library
  • Added environment variables to webhooks and remote actions in Explorer

1.30.10 - Control Deletion at List Level

· One min read
Matt Franklin



List Deletion Configuration

It is now possible to enable/disable delete buttons for a list and its items in Explorer using configuration in Designer. This feature helps prevent accidental deletions in linked contexts.

Bug Fixes

  • Repeating sections no longer crash the page in certain prefill scenarios
  • Aliased illegal characters in view names
  • Enabled common names
  • Webhooks and signal events now fire on workflow update data association
  • Fixed cases where an entity cannot be deleted due to foreign key constraints


  • Added ability to copy json paths containing spaces and other characters in workflow
  • Added validation for view names
  • Command bar is now disabled when no document is selected
  • Site creation timeout increased to 5 minutes

1.30.9 - Form Submission Custom Pages

· One min read
Matt Franklin



Successful Submission Form

It is now possible to configure a form or page to be shown in form service after the submission of a form. This is configured on a form level, where successful or errored submissions of the form can have a custom page shown rather than the default success/fail pages.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where lists fail to delete due to foreign key constraints
  • Fixed a page crash in forms service when a lookup is prefilled to null
  • Fixed a crash when typing 2 characters at once in a multi line field with a default value set
  • Fixed an issue where repeating sections will submit null when containing a default value


  • Priority and all other required fields will now be fetched for the tasks experience
  • Resolved an issue where an erroneous error is thrown on creation of a folder
  • It is now possible to compare 2 columns together in an OData Filter
  • When creating or updating a view with an invalid request, no longer times out but returns error
  • Inactive users will no longer attempt to have SharePoint permissions synced to

1.30.8 - Workflow Improvements

· One min read
Matt Franklin


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where process runs fail to resume due to cans referencing a deleted item
  • Fixed an issue where forms fail to submit in certain repeating section cases


  • Updated error responses for invalid ID being updated
  • Timers resuming when it has already succeeded will no longer error

1.30.7 - Authenticated Requests

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



API Key Requests

With the positive feedback from last weeks Authenticated requests from Workflow Service Tasks, we have also added API key support. API Keys still are powered by RAPID Integrations on your site and can be configured in several ways depending on how your target API would prefer to receive its keys.

Custom Header


GET / HTTP/1.1
[CUSTOM_KEY]: [Your Integration Key]

Basic Authentication

GET / HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic [Your Integration Key]

Query String


GET / HTTP/1.1
Params: {
[CUSTOM_KEY]: [Your Integration Key]

Body Parameter


GET / HTTP/1.1
Body: {
[CUSTOM_KEY]: [Your Integration Key]

Adaptive Cascading Lookups

You can now configure cascading lookups in Adaptive documents. Cascading lookups regard another lookup on the document and once configured with a matching criteria will filter the items fetched by that criteria, just like in Explorer.

This support should be live for both Tasks and Public form.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed creating RAPID Integrations with a Username failing to save on first create


  • User Tasks in Workflow will now return their entire item profile on creation, rather than just completion