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1.39.0 - Rapid Platform

· 7 min read
Matt Franklin



System Settings Table

While creating reports in Rapid Platform, it is not an uncommon to be want to create links to items within the report. You can now dynamically generate these links to regard the site they come from using the new Settings table. This table holds configuration information about the site itself, such as its identity.

The problem To link an item in a report, a URL is required. This URL to the item has the title of the Tenant and Site.

Previously this would need to be baked into the reports themselves as the site was not aware of its own identity.

This notably failed in reporting scenarios that spanned multiple sites, or product reports that are deployed dynamically to customer sites.

The solution - "Settings" Table In release v1.39, there is a new system list created with the title - "Settings". This Settings table has two columns - Title and Value.

Image showing columns tab in designer for Settings table

This table stores the following about the subject site:

  1. The Site Title
  2. The Site ID
  3. The Tenant Title
  4. The Tenant ID
  5. The Environment

Image showing data in explorer for Settings table

Using the Settings Table, the problem is addressed. The title and id of the site is now stored in the system and hence is accessible by the report for creating links.

Using Settings in PowerBI

Settings is just a normal list as far as loading its data into your PowerBI reports. If you're interested in getting started straight away, here is a simple way to start generating dynamic links:

  1. Load the settings table into your data model directly grabbing the Site and Tenant values Image showing query to fetch site and tenant titles from Settings table

  2. These are single row values, so use a measure to flatten the value into a scalar string for easy future referencing using the MAXX function Image showing ScalarSite and ScalarTenant tables

  3. Setup the link URL using the values from the scalar Site and Tenant values you've created, the concatenation & operator makes this nice and easy Image showing URL for report link to item

Process Clean up

Processes frequently rely on certain items for the process to make sense. When a process run is triggered from a signal event the triggering item is now flagged as important to that process run. With this new feature, deletion of the important item will now abort the associated process(es).

This is an early feature exploring automated clean-up. Any feedback on what you expect, how it behaves and what you imagine it working would be greatly appreciated.

Conditionally Enabled Menus

Menu items can be configured to perform specific actions like triggering a workflow, opening an adaptive document, sending an email etc.

There can be occasions when the defined action is eligible based upon a certain condition.

For example - consider a menu button is configured to trigger a workflow - to "wrap-up the project". This process involves sending out thank you emails to all stakeholders, checking for any pending deliverables, unpaid invoices, release of resources etc.

A project wrap-up is only eligible for projects having status - "completed and ready for wrap-up". Imagine an employee (by mistake) clicks the "wrap-up project" button for an "in progress" project. This can cause anxiety and frustration among stakeholders, along with data changes that may be difficult to manage.

You can now enable / disable the menu button based on specific conditions.

Steps to conditionally enable a menu

  1. Navigate to your desired table in Designer.
  2. Goto the Menu tab.
  3. There is a field titled - "Conditionally Enable".
Please note

The Conditionally Enable field is visible when the location to display is either "Both" or "Item". This field will not be visible if the location to display of the menu is set as "Table".

Image showing field to configure condition visible / invisible based on location of menu selected

This is because, the functionality to enable / disable menu button checks for the condition at the item level. It does not hold any meaning at the list level.

With reference to behaviour of enable / disable of menu button's location on List / Item pages, please consider the following:

  1. If the location to display is set as "Both" AND there is a condition specified in the "Conditionally Enable", then the subject menu button will always be disabled for the List page. It will be enabled or disabled on the item page based on whether the condition is met or not.

  2. If the location to display is set as "Item" AND condition is specified in the field, then the menu button will be enabled / disabled based on whether the condition is met or not.

  3. If the location to display is set as "Table", you cannot specify the condition as the field "Conditionally Enable" will not be visible in Designer.

  4. If the location to display is set as "Both" OR "Item" AND there the "Conditionally Enable" field is left blank, then the menu button will always appear as enabled on both List Page and Item Page (if location as Both) and Item Page (if location as Item).

  1. Provide the condition in the field. The syntax for the condition uses our OData filter query syntax. Fundamentally, there are three elements to the OData filter query
    a. The column name. For example - project_status.
    b. The operator. For example - eq (stands for equals).
    c. The value to be operated against. For example - 'Completed and ready for Wrap-up' (the string value needs to be provided in single quotes)

Image showing OData syntax in field to specify condition

To learn more about OData $filter query click here.

  1. Click Save.

Output in Explorer

The menu button is enabled on the item page when the specified condition is met.

Image showing menu enabled as condition met

The menu button is disabled on the item page when the specified condition is not met.

Image showing menu disabled as condition not met


  • You can now edit, remove and add to lists installed from a product definition
  • Enabled editable system fields to be altered by data association update actions
  • Adaptive v3 validation rules now only process once per pass
  • Lookups & Multi-lookups can have default views configured in Public Forms
  • The element picker in Adaptive Designer can now add elements in nested contexts
  • Adaptive repeating contexts can have their default number of repeating sections configured
  • Unique / Generic flags on Adaptive documents has been replaced with a global save button
  • Adaptive Boolean elements can now display an undefined or null state
  • Improved scrolling behaviour in Public Forms for mobile users
  • Menus can now have descriptions added to them, displayed as a info call out
  • Set the default time on DateTime pickers in Explorer to midday
  • Added warning message to Data Cans that they can only fetch up to 250 items
  • Added better pattern matching in Adaptive validation rules
  • Updated system generated emails to use new branding
  • Huge improvement to styling of Adaptive validation configuration controls
  • Enabled default view configuration for lookups generated in Embedded Forms

Bug Fixes

  • When configuring the create page the details page is no longer affected
  • Fixed installing PowerBI workspaces from failing as often
  • Disabled fields with validation, especially from modules, no longer prevent item creation in Explorer
  • Padding on Adaptive currency fields now regards the selected currency type
  • Improved consistency when setting the SharePoint folder name automatically based off a Computed field
  • Fixed field placeholder values not being able to be set in Designer
  • Multi-Lookup fields in Explorer will now actually clear all selected elements when told
  • Fixed the Time picker component failing to display when configured in Adaptive Designer
  • Date inputs on process diagrams will no longer be stored as ISO DateTime strings but instead yyyy-MM-dd date strings

1.38.0 - Rapid Platform

· 5 min read
Matt Franklin



Creating and enquiring about support requests

What is a support request?

A support request is a unit communication between the system user and the system's support staff. A user can create a support request when he/she is not able to proceed with a system functionality on his/her own or with the help of documentation. This indicates the need for assistance and a support request is a method to seek that assistance from support staff.

Users can also use support requests to submit bugs or improvement requests.

How to create a support request?

To create a support request consider the following points:

  1. In Explorer, click the chatbot icon.

Image showing how to access chatbot in Explorer

  1. The chatbot assistant panel will open. Click on Support.

Image showing Support Chatbot panel

Please note

Rapid Platform uses two different Chat bots; one trained on each - documentation and support.

  1. You need to fill out the three mandatory fields:

Image showing the three mandatory fields to raise a support ticket

  • Subject - This a text field. Type in the subject of your support request here. It is a best practice to keep the subject crisp and relevant so that the support team can understand and refer to the issue effectively.

  • Scale - This is a dropdown field. Scale indicates the severity of the issue for the user. There are five levels of scale (in increasing order of severity). Select the most relevant scale value for your support request.

Image showing five scale options

  • Description - This is a free-text (multi-lines of text) field. You can use this field to describe the issue with as much details as possible.
Please note

Description is a richtext field. Therefore, you can use formatting options and also add images etc. as we do in a text editor.

To enter text editor mode, just click on the arrow icon at the top right corner of the Description field.

Image showing how to enter text editor mode for Description field

  1. Click "Submit".

Image showing Submit button

Please note

The Submit button shall become active only when all the three the fields are populated. Otherwise it remains in the inactive state.

Once the support request is submitted successfully:

a. A success message will be displayed in the Support Chatbot panel.

Image showing success message for support ticket creation

b. An email confirmation will be sent to your inbox.

Image showing email confirmation message for support ticket creation

Please note

The email will display the subject of your support request, appended with a system generated number. The email will also have a "Go to chat" button. If you click on "Go to chat" button, it will open the Microsoft Teams chatroom, which will connect you to the support team. The support team can ask you more relevant questions here, and you can use the chatroom to provide more details about the issue.

How to enquire about a support request

Users can enquire about their support requests (submitted in past), from the chatbot.

The chatbot will respond with the status of the request.

To enquire about a support request, please consider the following points:

  1. In Explorer, click the chatbot icon.

Image showing how to access chatbot in Explorer

  1. The chatbot assistant panel will open. Click on Support.

Image showing Support Chatbot panel

  1. In the "Ask a question" field, type in your query regarding the support request.

Image showing how to query the chatbot for support tickets

  1. Click submit.

The chatbot will respond with appropriate answer.


  • / characters in DocX file names will no longer be set to _
  • Huge improvement in save & load times for pages, especially on large sites
  • Improved support in Workflow OData filters for tables/columns that begin with a numeral
  • Improved Adaptive Radio controls justified styling
  • Added support for validation on repeating sections in Adaptive v3
  • Huge improvement to the validation configurator for Adaptive v3
  • Added required visual toggle for input fields in Adaptive v3
  • Added Date column support in Adaptive v3
  • Added delete confirmation when deleting a column
  • Ensured the Get Item service task that fails to get an item throws an error
  • Disabled needing a principal configuration when setting up Board components in Designer

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed signing up with certain Azure permissions throwing an error
  • Adding a Principal to a Role will no longer error out
  • Fixed manual upload being erroneously applied to the file browser in some scenarios
  • Prevented data association update actions from being able to alter system managed fields
  • Disabled double submit on public forms when mashing the button

1.37.0 - Rapid Platform

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



Modular Rapid

You can now group up tables, menus and pages into logical units we call Modules. These modules can be toggled on/off to give more complete control over your site.

You can read up on how to create and manage modules here.

New and Improved Notifications interface

This release brings out an improvement how the notifications appear in Explorer.

The new notifications interface makes it easier to pickup the mentions and reminders from the remaining list. Prior to this release, there were no visual alerts in Explorer to notify the unread notifications. One had to access the notifications area to view the list of unread ones.

Notification with Alerts

The new notification interface will show both the header and the body (without truncating it) in the notification list itself. This brings ease of viewing the notification and reduces the time to assimilate the message.

Image showing comparison between old and new notifications interface with reference to header and body of notification

You can find out more about Notifications here


  • Adding principals in User Consent flagged sites will now update their SharePoint permissions
  • Disabled lookups no longer disable the 'go to' button
  • Page save times have been dramatically improved
  • Added mark all as read notifications button

Bug Fixes

  • Date columns on inherited tables will now format their values on data tables correctly
  • Persistent forms will no longer update their prefill data on submission
  • Fixed deleting date columns leaving trash behind
  • Trigger Workflow menu buttons now show Date inputs correctly
  • Prevented uploading files into the file browser creating duplicate files

1.36.0 - Rapid Platform

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



Bulk Update via Data Associations

You can now update a collection of items with the same value in Workflow! Bulk update support is achieved via the Data Association element, just like single update and creation.

For example: Example Project Setup Process

Say you had a process for formally setting up a project, along with all the tasks. As part of this process is an approval stage. If the project wasn't approved it would be pretty tedious to shut down all the tasks.

Example Data Association Configuration

Instead you can now use a data association to update a Data Can that fetches many items, which will then set the chosen values for each of them. Here we use the can to select all the tasks associated with the project, then set their status to Aborted to cleanly shut them down.


  • Added documentation component to Explorer to display static text on a page for instructional purposes
  • Added support to sign-up experience to link an existing site
  • Enabled fetching an updated SharePoint token when a page has been open for more than half an hour
  • Enabled the delete button on Views in Explorer
  • Improved file drop handling in the File Browser component
  • Added admin consent button into Designer

Bug Fixes

  • Updated DocX parser to not leak inner scoped keys to higher scopes
  • Fixed page crash when configuring Fill Document service task
  • Prevented File Preview component controls overlapping inner content
  • Updated out of date integrations to no longer error on SendGrid configuration

1.35.0 - Rapid Platform

· 7 min read
Matt Franklin



1. Hide View selection panel from a Lookup / Multi-lookup in Explorer

This feature relates to Lookup / Multi-Lookup column types and Table Views.

Lookups / Multi-Lookups are special types of columns. Not only they link tables with each other, at the user level (in Explorer), they provide the ability to:

  1. View all data of linked fields
  2. Select any data from linked fields

This is made possible by the ability to select / change Views while selecting a Lookup / Multi-Lookup value.

This can be a double edged sword.

For example - a Projects Item has a field - "Client". Client is a Lookup on "Contacts" Table which stores the information of all contacts for the organisation.

Image showing a Lookup field in Explorer

Clicking on the Lookup - Client field, the list of Contacts open in a dropdown. The right side provides the ability to change the view.

Image showing Lookup field shows values and side panel provides ability to change Views

Although the field was meant to select a customer, a User can also view information on Suppliers / All contacts of the organisation. This can be a potential threat to confidentiality.

New Feature

This new feature provides you with the ability to hide the View selection panel.
If the feature is set to hide the View selection panel, the user will only see results as per the default View set / Item Filter configured in Designer.
The user (in Explorer) would not be able to change the View and cannot access information from other Views.

How to hide/show Views in Lookup / Multi-Lookup

Please consider the following steps:

  1. In Designer, go to your desired Table (where the subject Lookup / Multi-Lookup field is present)
  2. Go to Columns Tab
  3. Select the subject Lookup / Multi-Lookup field.

Image showing selecting a Lookup field in Columns Tab for a Table in Designer

  1. Notice a new checkbox - "Toggle Side Panel Visibility"

Image showing Checkbox field titled Toggle Side Panel Visibility

If this field is:

a) Checked - it means the Side Panel to select / change Views will be absent b) Unchecked - it means the Side Panel to select / change Views will be present

Image showing how Toggle Side Panel checkbox works

Please note
  1. If you have set the default view and checked the "Toggle Side Panel Visibility" then the Lookup / Multi-lookup will show only the values as per the set default View.

Image showing Default View setting in column

  1. If no default View is mentioned on the system will take the "All" View as default and Lookup / Multi-lookup will show all values.

Image showing default view as blank in column

  1. If an Item Filter is set then the set rule will take precedence over the default View and the values in the Lookup / Multi-Lookup will be appear accordingly.

Image showing Item Filter in column

  1. The checkbox - Toggle Side Panel Visibility can be set while creating a Column as well.

2. The Rapid Signup Experience

This release is significant as it unveils the Rapid sign-up Experience. Users can now buy Rapid from Microsoft store. The whole sign-up experience covers the spectrum from purchasing the Rapid product from Microsoft and installing it.

Below are a sequence of steps to showcase the journey through sign-up.

  1. Goto This is the Microsoft AppSource page for Rapid Platform - Developer product. Image showing Microsoft Appsource Page for Rapid

  2. It is important to ascertain that your region is selected as Australia. Rapid Platform currently available for Australia region only. Image showing how to change region on AppSource

  3. Click "Get it now" button. There is another option - "Starting at Free". It will also initiate the same process. Image showing Get it now option

  4. Sign-in with your email account. Image showing sign in Page

Please note

It is possible that post sign-in your country has changed, you need to select the region as Australia again. Image showing post sign-in page with region other than Australia

  1. Post Sign-in, you will see the Rapid Platform Page. Presently it shows only Developer Product, but this is where all future products will appear for selection. Click "Get it now". Image showing Get it now option

  2. Next you will get the Checkout Page. This is the five step process where you will asked to confirm your country, plan, billing terms (annual / monthly, recurring On / Off), your billing address, credit card details etc. Image showing checkout page

  3. After filling out all the details, and successfully placing the order, the last step is to configure SaaS account. Image showing successful checkout page

Please note

You will now leave Microsoft AppSource and enter Rapid Platform Sign-up Experience.

  1. You will be navigated to Rapid Sign-up Page. The Saas account configuration process is initiated. Welcome Rapid screen appears. You need to provide a unique account name and click Next. Image showing Welcome screen for Rapid sign in Experience
Please note

If another account exists with your entered name, the system will prompt you to enter a unique account name.

  1. Next, you need to select the type of installation. If you have administrator privileges, you can select Yes. Else, for all other user types, you should select No (Limited functionality). Image showing type of installation selection screen

  2. As the next step, you need to provide options for configuring the SharePoint Document Storage for your account. You have two options: a) Provide a Team Name b) Use a custom MS365 storage and document library from your existing Groups and Document Libraries.

Image showing Document Storage configuration page

Please note

You can select either a) or b) as an option. If you Check the box to "Use a custom Microsoft 365 group ...", then the field to enter Team Name will be disabled. Further you can select your desired Group and Document Storage Library from Dropdowns.

If this option is unchecked, then the dropdowns to Group and Document Library are disabled, and Team Name text field becomes active.

  1. Carefully read through all the Terms and Conditions of account creation and usage, click the checkbox and press "Next". Image showing Terms and Conditions page

  2. Thats it! The system will do all the Provisioning of your subject Rapid account (based on details provided) with reference to Microsoft applications. Just click "Next" when all the three icons appear green. Image showing Microsoft Provisioning Page

  3. Finally the system will install your Rapid Site. Click "Go to site" when the Installing bar completes. Image showing rapid site installation page

  4. You will be navigated to Sign-in Page of your New Rapid Site. Login with your MS365 login credentials. Image showing Rapid Sign-in Page


Your Rapid site is ready!

Image showing New Rapid site

1.34.0 - Rapid Platform

· 15 min read
Matt Franklin



1. Create multiple items from within workflow.

A simple scenario

Imagine an office furniture retail business. It has received an order of:

Image of a table showing three furniture items with details

The sales manager wants to create an invoice for the customer. The business already has an Inv Line Items Table. The sales manager needs to enter all the details to the Inv Line Items Table and then generate an invoice.

This new feature helps to automate the above and many such scenarios.

The order items can now be automatically created into invoice lines without the manager having to manually create them.

Now Rapid Platform can create multiple (dynamic) items in a desired table using the workflow.

Create Items Service Task

There is a new type of service task – “Create Items”. It can enable you to create multiple items in a desired data table.

We will try to simulate the above scenario in the system using the Create Items service task.

The Create Items service task has two parameters:

  1. Choose an entity – you can select the desired table here, where you want the workflow to create items.

  2. Items expression – provide the values for the item columns here as an expression.

Image showing how to configure Create Items Service Task

The workflow runs successfully. Image showing green task indicating the service task ran successfully

Items are created in Inv Line Items Table by the workflow execution. Image showing Explorer window of the Inv Line Items Table. It shows all the items created successfully by the workflow

Please note:
  1. You need to provide the column name from the table and not the column title.
  2. You can pass values to the table items using LODASH / JSON. An example of this can be seen in the next feature.
  3. You can pass dynamic values to the service task, however, for the sake of simplicity, we are illustrating with static values.

2. Trigger a workflow from a menu item and pass multiple data table items as an array.

Continuing the Office Furniture Retail business scenario

Now the sales manager has the Invoice line Items entered into the table automatically. However, there is a need to create an invoice for the same.

The need is to have multiple items into a single document.

This new feature will enable the user to select multiple items from a Data Table in Explorer and click a menu item to execute a workflow. The workflow execution will happen once and the data of all the items will be passed to it as an array.

Essentially it offers the ability for a user to select multiple items from a list view, press a menu button, and for these to be available in the workflow via the start_event.

Generating a pdf with the selected items from Explorer can be another use case for this feature. There can be other useful applications as well.

Workflow Execution Menu item - Single request

To set up this menu item, please follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Designer.
  2. Go to your desired table.
  3. Click on Menu Tab.
  4. Create a New Blank Menu Item.
  5. Give it a name and select an icon identifier.
  6. Select On-Click Action as “Workflow – Execute Process”.
  7. Select Location to display as “Table”.
  8. Provide Process Diagram ID (this id is present in the url of the process diagram)
  9. Toggle on – Single Request.
  10. Click Save.

Image showing configuration of Menu for single request


We have configured the menu button to call a defined workflow. This menu can be triggered from Explorer window and the system should pass the selected items from the Table in Explorer to the workflow.

The menu item appears on the Data Table List view in Explorer, as configured. Image showing how to execute menu button from Explorer. Select desired items and click on Menu button

Before proceeding forward let us take a look at the workflow setting as well. The below image shows the workflow design. Please note we are extending illustration from previous feature, hence the use of Create Items type of Service Task.

Image showing configuration of workflow that is triggered with subject menu

Please note
  1. The workflow being triggered via the subject menu button should always have a Manual Start Event. Any other type of Start Event (like Signal Start Event) would not give desired results when called via menu.

  2. When the menu button is clicked from Explorer window, it will trigger the defined workflow. The information about the selected items shall appear in the Start Event (Workflow Results).

  3. Reference can be made to Start Event as shown in the configuration of Create Items task. Use the JSON command - <%= JSON.stringify(workflow['StartEvent_1'].properties.items) %>. Copy this command in the Items Expression of Create Items task.

JSON.stringify() function prompts the system to consider the list of items data as a single array.

  1. Just like Create Items task shown in this example, you can configure workflow to any other task like Send Email / Fill document etc.

As depicted below, upon the click of the menu, the workflow is executed once. The output of the Service Task shows three items being passed as an array. Image showing workflow is executed and the items are passed as a single array

Upon expanding the array in the output of the service task, it is found that data for all the items (selected in Explorer) is passed properly. Image showing workflow results of the task. The details of the selected items being successfully passed to the workflow

Please note:

The key parameter in the menu item is Single Request (toggle). It guides the system that upon click of the subject menu item, only a single run of the defined workflow should occur. Hence, all the selected data table items data is passed as an array.

3. Trigger a workflow from a menu item and pass multiple data table items as individual entities to the process run

Continuing the Office Furniture Retail business scenario

Now the sales manager got the invoice generated automatically. He must pass on this information to the Store manager for order fulfillment.

Imagine the store has chairs in the required quantity, however, the desk and rack aren’t there. The Procurement manager is intimated to place an order for these items from different vendors.

The Procurement manager needs to select multiple items but does not want to send it as an array to a single entity, rather to different entities.


Hence, the need is to select multiple items from the data table. Run the workflow process flow using the menu item, however, instead of a single run, there should be multiple runs of the process. Each process run of the workflow will have data from one (and only one) item of the data table.

Other use cases many include:

  1. Sending emails to a select list of customers
  2. Sending surveys to a select list of employees

Workflow Execution Menu item - multiple request

Please note:

To demonstrate this new feature, we will create a new menu item.

All the settings will remain the same as discussed above (single request).

The only change – Single Request field is Toggled OFF. Image showing configuration of menu with Single Request as OFF

The menu item appears on the Data Table List view in Explorer, as configured. Image showing how to execute menu button from Explorer. Select desired items and click on Menu button

As depicted below, the workflow is executed twice (as there were two items selected in the data table). The output of the Service Task shows a single item being passed per workflow execution. Image showing multiple workflow process runs with one item data per run

Please note:
  1. All the properties of triggering workflow via a menu item remains the same. For instance, passing inputs to the workflow.
  2. In case of multiple requests, if input parameters are passed on click of the menu button, all the workflow executions will receive the same set of parameters as inputs.
  3. Neither Single Request nor Multiple Requests do not have any practical utility if the menu button is located at the Item Level.

4. A New Column Type - DATE

We now have a new type of column in Rapid Platform. This is titled - "Date".

Image showing new Date column type

Need for this type and Difference from existing Date and Time type

It is important to note that we already have a Date and Time type of column.

In Explorer Data Table view or Item Details both "Date and Time" and "Date" type may appear to hold similar information. Image showing the similarity in appearance of values of Date and Time type and Date type in Explorer

However, Date and Time type always stores values in full time stamp format, that is, the value will be stored in the field as date appended with time value. For example - "2024-01-24T06:17:58.438Z"

Now, certain fields require only a date to be stored, for instance, Date of Birth, Joining Date, etc. Having a date and time does not hold relevance in such cases.

Hence, the need for the Date type.

In the below image, "date_old" is the Date and Time type and "date" is the new Date type of column. We can clearly observe the difference in values for two column types. Image showing the difference in Date and Time type and Date type values at database level

Important Points
  1. Date type does not have any Relative time or Default Offset settings, unlike Date and Time type. Image comparing Date and Time type and Date type column configuration options

  2. At the database level, the Date type stores value in the format - YYYY-MM-DD.

  3. All the other column properties apply to the Date type like - it can be set as title column, toggle if this column can be "Searchable", toggle if the column can be "In All View", the method to add or edit the column etc.

  4. In the Explorer UI, the Date field appears with a Date Picker just like the Date and Time type. Image showing Date Picker for Date type field in Explorer

5. Sanitised Output file naming in Fill Document type Service Task (Docx)

The Fill Document type of Service Task is used to generate files from a Docx template. You can generate files which can have dynamic data sourced from specific Data Table fields. This can be used for various business purposes like automated generation of invoices, purchase orders, transaction receipts, newsletters etc.

Need for this feature

It is important to note that the output file(s) generated via the Fill Document type Service Task is placed in a SharePoint folder.

SharePoint has general rules defining invalid characters and character sequences which should be avoided for a valid File / Folder name.

The below image displays the rules for invalid characters while naming a file / folder in SharePoint. To learn more - click here

Image showing symbols and sequences not allowed while naming a SharePoint file / folder

[Before this feature] If the user while configuring the Fill Document type Service Task workflow, named the Output file with the invalid characters, then an error appeared.

Image showing error generated when invalid symbols used in Output filename

[After this feature] If the user while configuring enter the Output file name with invalid characters, then the system will automatically sanitize the Filename by replacing the invalid character(s) with "_"

Image showing process success and automatic sanitization of Output File Name


Sanitized files do not throw an error and will just happily continue on even if you don't expect it.

6. Rapido - The AI Chatbot based on Documentation

This release unveils RAPIDO - Rapid Platform's AI Chatbot. Rapido is a GPT powered AI application that responds to user queries about how to use Rapid Platform. Rapido is trained on Rapid Platform's Documentation.

How to access Rapido?

You can access Rapido from the top right corner of your Rapid environment.

Image showing how to access Rapido

This icon is present throughout the Rapid environment irrespective of the application - whether Explorer, Workflow or Designer.

To access Rapido, just click on the icon. This will open the Rapido interface for you to ask questions.

Image showing Rapido Interface

Collapse Rapido window

To close the Rapido interface, just click on the collapse icon.

Image showing how to collapse Rapido Interface

What are the key elements of Rapido?

Suggested questions:

To assist users in formulating their thoughts, Rapido provides a set of three suggested questions. These questions are based upon the application from where you access Rapido - that is, Rapido will suggest different questions if you access it from Explorer, Workflow or Designer. This intends to build a bit of a context on your role.

Image showing suggested questions in Rapido interface


You can click on the suggested question and Rapido will consider it as a question to answer. You do not need to type it then.


Please note the disclaimer (highlighted below). Because Rapido is a Chatbot, it is prone to interpretation and response faults. The links to source documentation are provided with responses, in case you wish to verify / take a closer look at the information provided.

Image showing disclaimer in Rapido Interface

Query box:

This is the text area where you can type in your desired question. For example - if you wish to learn how to create a new page, just type it as shown below:

Image showing Query box in Rapido

Submit button

Once you have typed in your query in the Query box, you can click on the button to submit the query to Rapido.

Image showing Submit button in Rapido Interface


You can press enter to submit your query text.

Please note

The Submit button is enable only when some text is entered in the Query box, else it is in disabled state.

Image showing Submit button in different states

As you submit a query, Rapido will assimilate it and return a response.

Image showing Rapido responding to user query in a session

Refresh button

Clicking on this button will refresh the chat session, clear history and bring Rapido to its initial state.

Image showing how to refresh a Rapido Session

Please note

The Refresh button is enabled only when your session with Rapido has at least one chat, else it remains in disabled state.

Some key features of Rapido

  1. Rapido responses provide a link to the source documentation. Should you wish to read further, you can click on the link and it will navigate you to the documentation page in a new browser tab.

Image showing links to source documentation

  1. You can ask subsequent questions to Rapido in a session. Rapido will analyze your questions and form a context. Hence, with every new question Rapido will attempt to refine its answers smartly.

  2. There can be maximum of 8 messages (a set of 4 questions and corresponding answers) that can be held in a chat session. Once you have received 4 answers, Rapido will force you to Refresh the session to continue. (shown below)

  3. If Rapido does not know an answer to your query, it shall respond with appropriate regret response. (shown below)

Image showing regret message and session expiry for Rapido


  • Added Explorer menu option to link directly to an Adaptive Document as a Public Form
  • Improved Universal Link page component to display larger and more useful modal screen
  • De-cluttered site install wizard, removing sub-site support
  • Added toggle to generate public share links on DocX generated files
  • Prevented Enter button from closing Explorer menu button forms
  • Removed secondary scroll from the 'Select a Folder' modal when configuring default folder templates on lists
  • Improved drag handling and hit area for the File Browser
  • Fixed out of date state being presented when viewing process runs in Explorer
  • Improved speed and response times of Menu configuration page
  • Added currency formatting support to DocX glyph library
  • Added expand button to File Browser preview panel
  • Improved typing support to Date components
  • Improved array support in Lodash functions when using Create Items service task
  • Enforced process runs are linked to their generating item when using the Execute Process menu action

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed @myGroups OData filter failing to regard groups of groups
  • Resolved inability to toggle menu buttons to Both after selecting Table/Item
  • Updated default link in Explorer to Workflow to respect new dashboard path
  • Fixed cases where Send Email service tasks didn't
  • Prevented a page crash when configuring Create Item service tasks
  • Enabled the Create Item service task to regard the target table SharePoint file configuration
  • Handled null input cases on Create Item service task
  • Handled error cases when generating an item with a User field through the Create Item service task
  • Prevented Correspondence Integrations items generating a second, empty key
  • Fixed Choice fields crashing in Firefox
  • Fixed deleting a lookup failing to clean up after itself

1.33.0 - Rapid Platform

· 5 min read
Matt Franklin



Token Injection and Process Interruption

simple scenario

Imagine a sales lead nurturing process. The workflow will: •    Send newsletters, product updates every week to the lead •    Every time before sending, check the lead status •    If lead status = subscribed; send the material •    If lead status = unsubscribed; display a form to gather reason for unsubscribing and End process.

Before this release, the above case (and all similar requirements) was achieved by a combination of a Timer Intermediate Catch Event and an Exclusive gateway.

Timer with gateway

The problem with above solution

The Timer Intermediate Catch Event can only be configured to:

  • A specific point in time 
  • A duration of delay

Imagine the user who received a newsletter on a Tuesday. Upon receipt the Unsubscribe button was pressed. But the workflow will only check for the status next week. Till then the process token remains active.

Token injection and process interruption

This release introduces a new type of Intermediate event – The Signal Intermediate Catch Event.

Intermediate Catch Event

There are three fields which will help to configure the nature of this event:

  1. Choose a table – select the required table from the list. This a mandatory field.
  2. Conditional Expression – to provide the condition to be checked on a column value of the selected table. This is an optional field.
  3. Interrupting signal – YES / NO – When turned YES, and the nature of the event becomes interrupting, else it remains non-interrupting.

As the name suggests, this event is capable of:

  • Injecting a new token in the workflow process
  • Interrupt the existing process (kill all existing tokens)

What does it mean?

The Signal Intermediate Catch Event gets triggered when:

  1. an item is updated on the selected table (Default case - if the Conditional Expression is left empty)


  1. an item is updated on the selected table AND the defined condition on the relevant column value is met. 

Considering our previous scenario, as soon as the lead Status turns “Unsubscribed”, this event will be triggered (if configured properly). Triggering of the event will generate a new token and the workflow will proceed forward from the subject intermediate event. Hence, token injection at the point in workflow where intermediate event is present, when the defined condition is met.

Further, if the “Interrupting Signal” field is set to YES, it means that as soon as the subject intermediate event is triggered, all the existing active tokens will be terminated. The only active token in the process will be the one injected by the intermediate event. 

Triggered Interrupting Catch Event

When the intermediate event interrupts the existing process, the symbol (where the token was present at the time of interruption) will turn grey as seen above.

When the intermediate event is triggered but does not interrupt the existing process, then all the tokens – i.e. the ones prior to triggering of intermediate event AND the one created by intermediate event trigger remain active in the process.

Triggered Catch Event

Another scenario

Imagine a company has a five-stage procurement process:

  • Stage 1 - identifying the need for a product or service
  • Stage 2 - conducting research and gathering information about potential vendors
  • Stage 3 - submitting requests for proposals or quotes
  • Stage 4 - evaluating proposals and selecting a vendor
  • Stage 5 - finalizing and executing a contract

The process is sequential in nature. However, in certain situations, it may be necessary to bypass a stage in order to expedite the procurement process.

For example, if the company has a pre-existing relationship with a vendor and has already conducted extensive research on their products or services, they may choose to bypass Stage 2 and go directly to Stage 3 to request a quote or proposal.

Alternatively, if the procurement process is taking longer than expected and the need for the product or service is urgent, the company may choose to bypass Stage 3 and go directly to Stage 4 to select a vendor and negotiate a contract.

With the introduction of new Signal Intermediate Catch Event, the workflow diagram may appear as shown below:

Multiple injection points

If the intermediate event(s) are set as interrupting, then in the episode of a stage bypass, the existing token would be killed and the process will advance from the next relevant stage.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed feature level permissions getting confused between being on or off
  • Ensured restarting a process with an errored data association no longer fails to restart
  • User fields in Explorer will no longer mark the go-to user button as disabled
  • Fixed choice field fly-outs being random sizes depending on configuration
  • Exit intent no longer tries to fire when deleting an item
  • Configuring email communication activities in Workflow will no longer fail if the Principals view is missing columns
  • Rolling back to the start of a process run will no longer drop input or signal context


  • Added v3 Adaptive document routing to Public Forms in preparation of release
  • Prevented unconfigured data cans from being flagged as errored
  • Process runs are now marked as completed when they have no active tokens
  • Added copy behaviour to ledger content in Explorer
  • Ensured the Delete Entity button doesn't randomly disappear

1.32.0 - Rapid Platform

· 9 min read
Matt Franklin



We are proud to announce five new features being released today.

Search field for Boards component

A search box is added to the KanBan Boards component. This can be used to search items on the Board based on provided keyword(s). The behaviour is identical to the Search items field already present in Data Table List.

Benefit: This feature is useful in filtering and finding items easily on the Board.

Please refer to the video below for illustration on how this new field can be used to search Tasks on a Board:

Set default value of User Type field to current user

If in a Data Table, you have a User Type column, you can now set its Default Value to the current user. Therefore, if User 1 is creating an Item, then the default value of the User column will be User 1; if User 2 is creating an Item, then the default value will appear as User 2.

Benefit: This feature is particularly useful in reducing effort where the current user had to repeatedly select oneself while creating items.

The default value can be set using the following steps: 

  • Navigate to Designer->Desired Table->Columns Tab->Desired User column.
  • Goto Default Value field.
  • Click "Assign to Me"
  • The Value "@me" appears in the field indicating it is set to current user as default.

Please refer to the below video for illustration:

Create Item Service Task

You can now generate items for an entity from within the Workflow. This means (for example) when this service task gets executed, it will add an item with defined field values to the Data Table.

Benefit: This is particularly useful in reducing effort spent on creating items by configuring User Tasks, Flows etc. The values of the field can be controlled from within the workflow.

You can pass both static values, as well as, Lodash expressions to the field.

Cerate item service task

The UI is consistent with Data Association.

To configure Create Item Service Task:

  1. Select Create Item in Service Task
  2. Select entity
  3. Click +Add Field
  4. Select desired field - the system will display all the fields from the selected entity.
  5. Provide Value to the selected field.

Please refer to the below video for illustration:

Timer Start Events

A new type is unlocked for Start Events - the Timer Start Event. You can now configure Timer Start Events in Workflow to have your processes start on a regular cadence.

Timer start event

Benefit: This is particularly useful when you need a workflow to trigger at a specific time period. For example - an HR manager may want the appraisal cycle to trigger on 1st of March every year. 

Timers are configured using the frequency picker but can also be configured with regular cron expressions.

Timer CRON configuration

Fields for Time Start Event: A time period can be viewed as a hierarchy of units

  • Year
  • Month
  • Week
  • Day
  • Hour
  • Minute

The first field (Every) is used to define the frequency and the remaining lower fields are used to defined the exact point(s) on time period when the workflow should be triggered. 

For example - Every Month - defines that the workflow will be triggered every month. 

The lower fields are used to define on which day of the month / week - e.g. 1st of every month and every Sunday of the month.

Further going down the hierarchy of time units, you can define what time of the day - e.g. 9 :15 am

Therefore you can define the exact frequency and time when the workflow will be triggered. 

Based on the value selected for the first field (Every) the lower fields are displayed for definition.

Please note, if a field is not manually set, its default value is set to single unit. For example: if you have left the minute field blank, the workflow will be triggered every one minute.

Displaying defined information

Based on the definition of frequency, the system will interpret and display the frequency as an English statement. 

CRON tester single example

Further, the system also displays a schedule for all the future runs of the workflow at the defined frequency (in batches of 5).

CRON tester multi example

In case the set frequency is a non achievable case - For example - 31st February, then the schedule will display N/A.

Please refer to the below video for illustration:

Trigger a specific workflow from a Menu button

You can now configure a Menu button to trigger a desired workflow from within Command Bar of the Explorer Item. There is a new option in the "On-Click Action" dropdown for Menu. It is titled - "Workflow - Execute Process".


Prior to this feature, a Menu button could trigger a Workflow using the "On-Click Action" as "Raise Workflow Created Signal". A click on such a Menu button throws the Signal and all the workflows with relevant Trigger Start Events would get triggered with this.

The subject feature is useful, when you do not want all the workflows to get triggered rather a very specific one.

Therefore, this makes it very similar to manually pressing the "Launch" button from within the workflow, however, this time from within the Explorer. 

Further, you can also pass inputs from Explorer to the subject Workflow. (discussed later as Part II)

To configure the menu button:

  1. Navigate to / create the desired Menu in Designer
  2. Select On-Click Action as "Workflow - Execute Process"
  3. Enter the Process Diagram ID - The process diagram id is present on the url of the process diagram.

For example -**91**/edit

In the above URL - 91 is the Process ID. 

:::[Please note:] The workflow that you want to trigger from the Menu button triggers with any type of Start Event (normal / Signal / Timer). The Menu behaves like a manual Launch of the workflow process. :::

Please refer to the below video for illustration:

PART II - Dynamic inputs

This new feature also allows you to pass inputs to the Workflow from Explorer when the Menu button is clicked. 

To achieve this you need to configure the Workflow's Process Input section.  

Workflow input configuration

When you configure an Input field in the Process Inputs section, this enables you to provide a user input value at the time of manually triggering the Workflow from the Menu button.

A special case:  In case you have: 

  • configured a Lookup type of Input field in the Process Input section, AND
  • the Lookup is on the field of the same table where you have configured the menu button, AND
  • the menu button is displayed on Item Level 

Then the system will pickup the Title field value from the subject Item and pre-fill the same in the Input field. This still remains editable, if you wish to manually change the value that gets passed to the Workflow.

Please refer to the image below for illustration: 

Inputs affecting button forms

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed popup not closing when clicking off a task entry in explorer with an embedded file selected
  • Fixed multi-lookup and scoped-link fields failing to render correctly
  • Repairing sites no longer overrides the primary group
  • Fixed the titles not wrapping correctly when viewing the cards in the board component
  • Fixed the logo header in the task experience to match branding guidelines
  • Fixed email field not being greyed out when write permissions are turned off
  • Fixed media queries incorrectly applying at the correct screen size
  • Feature level permissions no longer apply when disabled
  • UTF8 and UTF16 characters now render correctly in public forms
  • Deleting a site no longer leaves the database intact
  • Viewing an Adaptive Documents item in explorer no longer references a non existent column
  • Loading spinner no longer aligned with the select all toggle when loading a data table
  • Loading spinner no longer spins indefinitely when creating a new site
  • Clicking on Workflow in the explorer menu no longer returns a 404 page not found error
  • Fetching a sub-type of task that already had estimated_time value, no longer returned as an array
  • Can create and update public forms with site and task id
  • Manually triggering a process diagram with a signal start event now gives you full item results in the output
  • Lookups on Workflow execution forms now fetch lookups
  • Single embedded file component no longer adds a second file when another file is uploaded
  • Set multiple item data cans to green completed when they fetch successfully
  • Fixed the Board component not being able to fetch needed columns if the selected view was missing them


  • Added a confirmation modal in Workflow to prevent accidentally rolling back processes
  • Embedded files preview panel updated to current design
  • UI now maximizes the use of available screen space in page designer
  • Removed illegal characters in DocX template names
  • Adjusted the width of the Delete Entity pane
  • Added buttons to toggle "use created" for the Drive and Folder ID's when configuring a new Embedded File
  • Configuring page layouts are now displayed at a more appropriate size
  • Adaptive Designer styling now matches the new branding
  • Added search box to board component
  • Added webhook trigger type to post webhook options
  • File template configuration input fields now have added spacing
  • Can now trigger a Workflow from a menu item
  • Can now delete Embedded Files
  • Added menus page in Designer and moved all list level menus out of the menu

1.31.1 - Rapid Platform

· 4 min read
Matt Franklin



You can now use template strings in the open Hyperlink menu action, just like input field hyperlinks. We have also added three new parameters for templates to be aware of which server you are on. 

envEither 'test' or 'prod'
tenantThe current tenant
siteThe current site

For example, you could create a link that goes to the correct tasks experience for the current site like so:

http://tasks.rapidplatform.<%= env!="prod" ?"com/_test" : "com/_prod"%>/<%=tenant%>/<%=site%>

HTML sanitize lodash function

When you have a textual input that contains HTML glyphs such as or you can now invoke a built in lodash function to strip out these glyphs. For example, to remove the glyphs from a User Task description field would be like so:


Default Embedded Files

Continuing our learnings from template files, you can now configure at the table level a default embedded file definition. These default definitions can either point at the current item (and generate a folder as required) or a statically defined target folder in SharePoint. You can find the configuration in the newly reorganized Options tab when configuring a table.

Trigger on Change

You can configure Webhooks and Workflow Signal Events to conditionally trigger when one or more columns are updated. the changed() function now returns true or false if the indicated column is different from before it was updated.

For example, you could configure a Signal Event to trigger when an Invoice is marked as Voided like so:

Changed condition in trigger event

Here the process will only trigger if both the status was changed, and if it was changed to 'VOIDED'.

The syntax for changed is:


Workflow Element Coalescing

For those of you working with multiple branching paths in Workflow that need to reference something that could have been created on one of them, you can now reference elements in lodash regardless if they have been executed.

This is best demonstrated with an example, consider this process:

Workflow collapsing to a single task

This process could optionally start from three difference causes; either manually with an input, or triggered via a create or update signal. The AllField data can now references whatever the starting item is and collapses the trigger item into a single place to easily reference throughout the document. The syntax to configure this can is;

<%= inputs?.all_field?.id ?? StartEvent_1?.properties?.id ?? StartEvent_0wzx24k?.properties?.id %>

Previously trying to reference StartEvent_1 or StartEvent_0wzx24k would throw an error as only one existed. This has been resolved.

Outside of starting situations, you can also collapse something created in a branching path for later referencing. Again a Data Can is used here but is not required. The Task can references the single letter task that was chosen (A, B or C) so that it can be reviewed in the Combine task. For completeness the syntax in the Task can is:

<%= inputs?.all_field?.id ?? StartEvent_1?.properties?.id ?? StartEvent_0wzx24k?.properties?.id %>

Bug Fixes

  • Prevented tab freeze when configuring pages in Designer under certain conditions
  • Stopped Table search being case sensitive
  • Disabled and removed public forms where the task has been completed in all cases
  • Fixed UI failing to react when clearing / updating template folder configuration
  • Enabled attachments to be added via drag-n-drop regardless of file type
  • Fixed daylight savings time being regarded for Public Form submission timeout
  • Prevented page crash when closing the 'Add to form' panel in Designer on a table with >30 columns


  • Upgraded styling on required fields in Explorer for readability
  • Improved Rich Text area styles when disabled to display as rich text instead of HTML
  • Added time to notes in the Activity feed
  • Added 401 page when navigating to experiences where the user is not allowed
  • Added collapse mode to workflow configuration panel (and stopped it popping out on click!)
  • Put back the Users' displayed email in User fields
  • Added Estimated time and On Hold status to Tasks, removed Failed status
  • Added support for principal unique ID in workflow user task configuration
  • Added default pages for Workflow Folders system list
  • Added feedback when uploading a process diagram using the new creation panel
  • Added Excel Date column when exporting data for better date consistency between locales
  • Added Multi-Lookup update/replacement support into Public Forms and API requests
  • Upgraded Tasks, Designer and the Login screens to match the new branding

1.31.0 - Rapid Platform

· 4 min read
Matt Franklin



UI Styling Upgrade

Rapid Platform System Upgrades

Following the Rapid Platform branding upgrade, Explorer, Designer and Workflow have gotten a facelift. This includes a change to routes for Designer and Workflow


Authorized Forms

It is now possible to configure an authenticated public form. Configuring a form to be authorized will require the user to put in a predetermined, generated password before proceeding to the form. It is possible to set auth from workflow and have a password be generated or manually. 2 new columns were added to the tasks table to allow for this.

Custom Users and Minimal Install

Principals can now be created manually.

In our continued quest to make Rapid as flexible as possible you can now install a limited version without requiring application consent. This change alters the install mechanism to not require SharePoint or Groups access. This will install a site with the creating user only. In order to enable inviting users you can now create principal records to manually create both users and groups.

When adding a new User the only required information is an email address. This will try to match the User on your active directory (if access is granted) and backfill details when available. Any user that can authenticate to your tenant that have a matching email address to a User in the site will now be able to login.

To help manage membership in cases when groups are not accessible, you can now manually add & remove principals to groups using the command bar. You can view the membership using the Principals tab on a group, with a plan to build a custom membership control at a later stage.

Sites created with no application permissions will have reduced functionality, notably around files and emails.

Added pipeline page control

It is now possible to add the pipeline control to a page layout in legacy designer, this will allow the connection to a choice field and will display that choice field in a tasteful way as a method of describing progress.

New fetching query parameters

With the development of Adaptive v3, additional query parameters have been added to fetch lists of items based around their link relationships. Check the API Concepts page for further details.

Bug Fixes

  • Prevented page crash when configuring a Trigger a Webhook service task
  • Fixed 'Failed to Load' race condition on Explorer components when refreshing a page
  • Squashed Resize Observer error in console
  • Prevented erroneous error being reported when timers return to a deleted process run or diagram
  • Fixed conditions failing to fire in Adaptive Designer when configuring connections
  • Stopped menu actions with a form from sending the request on blur or when cancelled
  • Fixed site repairs with more than 700 principals failing to complete
  • Fixed selected items in multi-lookup fields failing to display as ticked
  • Fixed quick search on data tables failing to react after opening an item on the list
  • Saving in the Tasks experience without document storage set up no longer fails
  • Prevented command bar action buttons from sending when pressing cancel


  • Ensured Preform Remote Action menu items always send
  • Made the group picker optional when installing a site
  • Removed extraneous padding on new lines in multi-line text fields
  • Added route to fetch Principals based on their membership
  • Wide sweeping CSS upgrades and library updates throughout UI-React
  • Ensured page creation state is not re-rendered until after an item is fully created
  • Improved table scoped command bar actions to respect all possible configurations
  • Added Choice pipeline component
  • Upgraded cascading lookup configuration in Designer to be able to regard full query logic
  • Added Pages page in Designer to manage the pages on the site
  • Added manual override control for Prefill data configuration in Workflow user tasks
  • Styled 404 and 403 pages