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1.30.6 - Workflow Improvements

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



Update Associations

With the advent of Cans you can now configure the Data Association (dotted arrow) from an Activity towards a Can to set values of the associated item. This update is performed after the action is completed, so that you can capture data collected during the activity itself.

Data association configuration

Authenticated Service Tasks

Webhook service tasks can now use Basic authentication when interacting with remote APIs. This authentication is created and stored in a newly updated Rapid Integrations list. When creating a new integration the Username and Password are stored securely in Azure Key Vault and not on your site. As a consequence you will not be able to see stored passwords. Updating a Username or Password will overwrite the value in the Key Vault and thus be used by Workflow form then on.

Lookup View Whitelisting

When configuring a Lookup component in Adaptive Pages and Forms, you can now select a subset of views on the target table to present to the User. By default the All view will still be the first selected view.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Default values for Choice fields in Adaptive Pages and Forms failing to load
  • Fixed long placeholder and content values of Choice fields extending out the page
  • Fixed deleted RAPID Sites persisting in cache storage


  • Disabled Save and Complete buttons on Tasks while saving/completing

1.30.5 - Workflow Improvements

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



DocX Image Support

You can now use Images in the DocX Templater when filling in documents. With the {%ImageName} syntax you can insert new images, or replace existing images by setting their Alt text. Images replaced will respect the image size boundaries while also trying to respect the source image aspect ratio to prevent overflow in your documents. Small images will retain their size if they are smaller than the image they're replacing.

Images can be sourced from SharePoint, as with all files in RAPID.

Adaptive Output Support

User Tasks in workflow with an attached adaptive forms now present the items created or updated in the ledger. These can be accessed to help identify what happened. Items affected are now available on a 'context' key after the task is completed.

Prefill Type Coercion

Prefill data now parses strings. For example numbers and Boolean values will be cast to their correct type. Booleans are case sensitive, as per these examples:

  • "1" > 1
  • "0" > 0
  • "true" > true
  • "false" > false
  • "TrUe" > "TrUe"
  • "FaLSe" > "FaLSe"

This system follows the standard json.parse / json.stringify behaviour.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed duplicate universal links created from workflow
  • Fixed negative numbers in number fields changing to positive
  • Prevented page crash when list names start with numbers
  • Fixed page snapping to top when expanding a lookup in a form
  • Prevented 'Get items' service tasks without a view selected, from fetching raw items


  • Update styling on Delete intent modal
  • Users can now remove default repeating sections
  • Updated forms test url to point to new server

1.30.4 - Document Theming

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



DocX Theme Support

Word Documents support different Themes and the Fill Document service task (powered by DocX) now does as well. You can now configure custom theme colours which will be applied to the produced document. This sets the actual Word theme, so any content within can be styled. The theming interface mirrors the Theme configurator in Word itself to make it easy to map your custom themes across.

One word of warning, Word Online has different behaviour around custom themes as compared to Word running locally. We have noticed the first two theme colours (Text Light 1 and Text Dark 1) are respected by Word Online but instead set to black and white locally.

Adaptive Required Field Support

Marking fields as required in Adaptive documents will now be respected by both Public Forms and the Task Experience. Public forms with empty required fields will prevent submission of the form. Tasks can be altered and saved so that they can be pushed out or slowly filled in over time, but trying to complete a task with missing required fields will now direct the user to fill them in.

This update has no effect on Explorer.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed failure to save a task in the Task Experience if it did not have a document configured
  • Fixed parallel gateway merges in loop scenarios failing to wait for all the tokens before completing
  • Fixed inline refresh on the Tasks Experience failing to actually refresh with items
  • Prevented repeating sections with 0 items creating a blank item on submission


  • Added confirmation modal to Adaptive Designer delete button
  • Hidden universal links to notifications in Adaptive Tasks
  • Enabled item creation blacklisting on Gantt and Board components in Explorer
  • Cleaned up Tasks experience mobile style from feedback

1.30.0 - Mobile Tasks

· One min read
Matt Franklin



Mobile Tasks

The Tasks experience has been upgraded with a mobile friendly style sheet. This styling change comes with improvements for buttons including a disabled state on task side menus when they are empty. As always these improvements are powered by feedback, so hearing back about how if works on your device is highly appreciated.

Bug Fixes

  • Nailed down (finally) the last cases where prefilled lookups fail to present their display field
  • Prevented page crash when expanding the activity feed on some tasks in the Tasks experience
  • Prevented page crash when adding components to a section in Adaptive Designer with a Process Diagram context
  • Fixed workflow failing to link produced items in a process run to the triggering item on signal event processes
  • Prevented Adaptive login screen forcing cursor to end of line in the tenant/site fields


  • Set Tasks experience side panels to disabled when they do not contain any content
  • Enforced consistent author id when Workflow produces items
  • Raised date picker modal above all elements when interacting with it
  • Added automated repair mechanism for product owners to manage their customer sites

1.29.4 - Bulk Support

· One min read
Matt Franklin



  • Added bulk selection to the Adaptive Designer component selector
  • Added new query parameter on bulk creation to enable events to be fired
  • Enabled events to be fired in Public Forms when creating items in a repeating section
  • Moved site file caching external and enabled multiple Minilith pods
  • Lookups in Public Forms now present a more obvious search bar and load 50 items rather than 10

1.29.0 - Notification Support

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



Notification Lists

Notifications and Audiences have been upgraded from an internal table to full list support. This enables access to access and control of notifications via the API for the creation of 3rd party notification systems. See the Technical Documentation for requirements to produce and manage notifications.

Environment Headers

Webhooks and Service tasks sent from RAPID to external systems now will carry environment information in their headers. This allows for the creation of third party endpoints that can react differently if a request is received from Test or Production.


  • Fixed dates pulled from a Data Store using Lodash in Workflow v3 returning a JS date instead of an ISO date
  • Fixed lookups prefilled with just an ID failing to fetch the display field in Tasks
  • Enabled JSON fields on base tables to be returned on the All$ view, matching behaviour with sub tables


  • Enabled input limits on Adaptive Input components
  • Added Adaptive File Component support when placed in the Tasks experience
  • When searching for a component to add in the Adaptive Designer, the All view now can regard a list context
  • Added multi-select to the component adding panel in Adaptive Designer
  • Added improved error messaging when trying to submit a public form that had been removed from a local store

1.28.4 - Data Cans

· One min read
Matt Franklin



Data Cans

It is now possible to add data cans to workflow diagrams. These act as persistent get item or get items service task, where you can reference them and fetch the most upto date state of the item(s)

Error Boundary Event

There is now support for the error boundary event, if the attached activity gets into an errored state, the boundary path will be taken.


  • Fixed the Multi Line text control in tasks and anonymous forms
  • Removing a condition no longer drops the whole array of conditions
  • Fixed a page crash on editing form state in Designer


  • Added support for double clicking webhook service tasks opening the run information URL
  • Theme.css file is now loaded into Designer

1.28.2 - Adaptive Cleanup

· One min read
Matt Franklin



  • Fixed create pages configured in Tasks failing to render for sub-types of tasks
  • Fixed the configuration panel in Adaptive Designer showing an empty configuration when opened
  • Prevented a page crash when viewing embedded files in the Tasks experience

1.28.1 - Styling and Cleanup

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin



DocX PDF Support

You can now generate a PDF from the DocX service task. When creating a PDF file the original word file will still be produced. When referencing the embedded files configuration of the DocX service task in Workflow with PDF selected, the PDF file will be returned instead.

Additionally there is now a toggle to preserve the {moustache glyphs} within your documents when running the service task. By default these glyphs will now be replaced with a blank character.


  • Fixed a page crash when navigating between the login page and task list in the Tasks Experience
  • Fixed conditions in repeating sections failing to evaluate
  • Fixed subtypes of items linked via lookup failing to be fetched in linked scenarios


  • Repeating sections in Adaptive now fetch all fields contained within them, including multi-line text fields
  • Added Theme.css file support to the Tasks experience
  • Added search when using @mentions in the Activity Feed for sites with more than 250 users
  • Added click-through support between Explorer and Workflow when opening process runs inside call activity scopes
  • Added new custom rich text editor to Adapative, replacing the Multi-Line Text Control

1.27.28 - Tasks & Workflow v3

· 2 min read
Matt Franklin


This release contains a one-two punch of the brand new Tasks experience as well as the shiny new Workflow v3 engine.


Tasks Experience

Leveraging the Adaptive Documents design, the new Tasks experience brings the associated document front and centre.

This also comes with a new connection type to configure your Adaptive Documents, the 'Expected Context' connection. Expected Contexts allow you to define which item type (or sub-type) you are expecting to be present when opening the task. With this you can define how items that are created and updated via an Adaptive document relate to the task, if at all!

Workflow v3

Workflows' engine has been replaced with a brand new version built from scratch. Faster, more powerful and much more extensible; Workflow 3 unlocks finally implementing more of the BPMN 2.0 specification. One of the most drastic changes comes in the form of Call Activities and their child process runs. To be more in accordance with the BPMN 2.0 specification, and to support future Data Cans and Documents, sub-processes are now incorporated in their parent ledger.

While this engine upgrade is mostly future facing, it does come with some spicy new improvements right now

Custom Post Bodies

You can now configure custom post bodies in Webhook service tasks. Now you can simplify getting the data you want out of your process by using powerful Lodash expressions. Blank configurations will continue to post the entire ledger, so existing diagrams will not be affected.

Custom post body configuration

Non-Interrupting Timers

Configuring a Timer to be non-interrupting allows the creation of follow-up and checking branches in your process, without disrupting mission critical tasks.

Non Interrupting Timer example

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Context Missing error when trying to create columns called 'Title' on new tables
  • Fixed missing clear value buttons on User and Date fields in Adaptive Documents
  • Prevented root level crash when adding Time Picker component to a page
  • Fixed custom create pages in Adaptive Documents with lookups rendering behind the creation modal
  • Fixed configuration components failing to render on the File component


  • Added spinner to RP Forms when loading the framework
  • Added multi-lookup field support to Adaptive Documents
  • Removed erroneous .toString when processing id values via the SDK
  • Implemented sub-process navigation to Explorer and Workflow UI